Humans, a unique and diverse species, are characterized by their remarkable adaptability and widespread distribution across all six nations in the realm. Unlike other species that often dominate specific regions or cities, humans are distinct in their even presence throughout the realm, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into various cultures and environments.
This trait of adaptability is not only their defining characteristic but also their greatest strength. It has enabled them to thrive in a wide range of settings, from bustling cities to remote landscapes. Their ability to adjust to different climates, societies, and challenges has been a key factor in their survival and success over the ages.
Humans are known for their curiosity and desire to explore, often traveling extensively. This nomadic inclination is facilitated by their ability to fit in almost anywhere, making them natural explorers and ambassadors among the nations. Their presence in every country fosters a unique blend of cultural exchange and understanding, contributing to the rich tapestry of the realm.